
TABLE Q_Question_Ex

Many of these fields are also accessible through an older view called simple Q_Header. The difference is the way translations are handled. Q_Header only provides access to untranslated questions whereas Q_Header_Ex introduced additional fields to indicate the language and translation status of the question in a similar way to S_Header_Ex. Notice also that Q_Question_Ex.Lang is also part of the table’s primary key and that queries using the question ID (mid/lid) and revision alone will not necessarily return unique records.

Primary Key: Question_MID int NOT NULL
Primary Key: Question_LID int NOT NULL
Primary Key: Revision int NOT NULL
Topic_ID int NOT NULL
Author varchar(200)
Created_Date datetime NOT NULL
Editor varchar(200) NOT NULL
Modified_Date datetime NOT NULL
Encoded smallint NOT NULL
Status smallint NOT NULL
  1. Normal

  2. Retired. These questions are not selected for delivery when randomly picking questions (or selecting all) from a topic in a block but are delivered if included individually.

  3. Incomplete. These questions are not selected for delivery when randomly picking questions (or selecting all) from a topic in a block but are delivered if included individually.

  4. Experimental. These questions are selected for delivery but do not contribute to the test or topic score.

  5. Beta. These questions are treated as ‘normal’ during delivery. The alternative status value is for information and reporting only

  6. Tryout. Used internally.

IRT_A float
IRT_B float
IRT_C float
P_Value float
Discrimination float
AngoffW smallint NOT NULL
Lock_Question bit NOT NULL
Maximum_Score smallint NOT NULL
Question_Type char(10) NOT NULL
Order_Num int NOT NULL
Edited_By char(1) NOT NULL
Description varchar(800) NOT NULL
Base bit NOT NULL
Primary Key: Lang varchar(10) NOT NULL
Source_Lang varchar(10) NOT NULL
Translation_Status int NOT NULL
Base_Revision int
Question_ID bigint computed NOT NULL