AssessmentSnapshot & BlockSnapshot

TABLE AssessmentSnapshot

Contains information about assessment snapshots

Primary Key: AssessmentSnapshot_ID int NOT NULL

The unique ID of the snapshot is automatically allocated.

Assessment_ID bigint NOT NULL

The full ID of the assessment (combined MID and LID). See S_Header_Ex.Session_MID for details.

Lang varchar(10) NOT NULL

The language of the assessment. See S_Header_Ex.Lang

Name nvarchar(200) NOT NULL

A human-readable descriptive name for this snapshot.

Revision int NOT NULL

The revision of the assessment. See S_Header_Ex.Revision. The snapshot stores all the information it needs to deliver and assessment in this table (and the associated BlockSnapshots). As a result, it doesn’t matter if the assessment that was used to create the snapshot is later revised or deleted. Bear in mind that the Revision is also part of the primary key in S_Header_Ex.

Created_Date datetime NOT NULL

Timestamp recording creation time of snapshot.

Modified_Date datetime NOT NULL

Timestamp recording modification time snapshot

Expires_Date datetime

Optional timestamp recording expiry time of snapshot.

Data varbinary(max) NOT NULL

Binary data used to describe the snapshot. You can obtain a full XML representation of the snapshot using the deliveryodata.AssessmentSnapshotsData feed.

TABLE BlockSnapshot

Each AssessmentSnapshot is comprised of some information about the assessment as a whole and a set of associated blocks. The blocks are stored separately because, in many cases, they are not subject to randomization and so are therefore common to all snapshots of the assessment.

Primary Key: BlockSnapshot_ID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
Created_Date datetime NOT NULL
Data varbinary(max) NOT NULL

Binary data used to describe this block within a snapshot. You can obtain a full XML representation of the snapshot using the deliveryodata.AssessmentSnapshotsData feed.

TABLE BlocksInAssessmentSnapshot

Stores the list of blocks for each snapshot. The Order field is used to allow an ordered list of BlockSnapshots to be associated with a single AssessmentSnapshot.

Primary Key: AssessmentSnapshot_ID int NOT NULL
Primary Key: BlockSnapshot_ID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
Order int NOT NULL