
TABLE A_Result

Records in A_Result are created automatically when a participant starts taking an assessment and they are updated each time a block is submitted.

Primary Key: Result_ID int NOT NULL

Unique identifier for this result. Result IDs are generated using an algorithm that is designed to create unique, random 32-bit values. The value 0 is not allowed.

When_Started datetime

The date and time the test was started. The value of this field is stored in the repository timezone. See Timezones.

See also: A_Result.When_Started_UTC.

Session_MID int NOT NULL

The word ‘Session’ here is a misnomer. This refers to the ID of the content itself, in other words, the ID of the quiz, test or exam that was actually taken.

The ID is split across two fields, MID and LID, for legacy reasons. The ID itself can be obtained using the procedure outlined in MID and LID. It can also be read directly on databases that support Delivery OData as A_result.Assessment_ID.

Session_LID int NOT NULL

See A_Result.Session_MID.

Session_Last_Modified datetime NOT NULL

The time when the assessment content was last modified. This field can be used to help identify which version of the assessment was used during the test. See S_Header_Ex.Modified_Date.

Write_Answer_Data bit

Whether or not detailed answer information is saved in A_Answer. This behaviour is controlled in the assessment, see S_Header_Ex.Save_Answer_Data.

Participant varchar(200)

Stored using the varchar encoding in the database.

Member_Group varchar(200)

The value of this field depends on the method used to launch the assessment. For open assessments it is self-declared by the participant. For scheduled assessments it is taken from the top-level group associated with the schedule. For assessments launched from external integrations using PIP the value is taken from the data field mapped to GROUP by the PIP file.

Stored using the varchar encoding in the database.

Participant_Details varchar(200)
Hostname varchar(200)
IP_Address varchar(200)
Signature varchar(50)
Still_Going bit
Status smallint

The status of the result, stored as in integer value with the following interpretations:

  1. No longer used, may indicate a failure during assessment launch. Referred to in the Enterprise Manager user interface as “Recently Started” or just “Started”.

  2. In Progress

    Indicates the assessment is currently active. Also referred to as “Running” in some reports. This value indicates the last seen status. In cases where the client fails during the test and it is not resumed to completion then the result may be left with this status value permanently.

  3. Finished Normally

    Abbreviated to “Finished” in some reports. The test was submitted by the participant.

  4. Finished, Time Limit Exceeded

    Also known as “Expired” in some reports. Indicates that a timed test was submitted by the participant but after the expected end of the test. There are settings that control how much leeway is given and the behaviour of timed tests that are interrupted (e.g., by power failure) and later resumed. This status value may be seen if the leeway setting is too small to allow for internet latency or system performance but may also indicate a client-side failure of the test timing.

  5. Finished at Time Limit

    Also known as “Timed out” in some reports. This status indicates that the test was submitted automatically by the client when the time limit was reached.

  6. Finished at User Request

    Also known as “Quit” in some reports. This status indicates that the test was submitted as a result of the participant selecting the “Quit” button. The option to quit an assessment is not enabled by default and this value is rarely seen in practice.

  7. Paused by Proctor

    Indicates that a proctored test was paused by the proctor. This value should be treated as a special case of in progress. The test is assumed to be active but can only be continued with the permission of the proctor who will cause the status to be set back to 1 (in progress) when the participant is permitted to continue.

  8. Terminated by Proctor

    Also known as “Terminated” in some reports. Indicates that a proctored test was terminated by the proctor, presumably due to a violation of the rules of conduct or a technical issue requiring the assessment attempt to be invalidated.

  9. Reserved for future use

  10. Finished, Scanned In

    The result was imported from an external delivery system, typically a paper-based Printing and Scanning process.

All other values of the status field are reserved for future use.

Feedback smallint

Whether or not feedback was given:

  1. none given

  2. some feedback given

Number_Sections smallint
When_Finished datetime
Max_Score int

The maximum score possible on the assessment. In simple cases this is just the sum of the maximum scores of the associated A_Answer records but the calculation here ignores questions with an experimental status and may ignore blocks that the participant failed to visit in multi-block tests (either due to running out of time, the application of jump rules or simply abandoning the test as in progress).

Total_Score int

The total score achieved by the participant. Calculated in a similar way to the Max_Score. In Perception 5.7 partial scores are not available for assessments marked as in progress.

Special_1 varchar(200)
Special_2 varchar(200)
Special_3 varchar(200)
Special_4 varchar(200)
Special_5 varchar(200)
Special_6 varchar(200)
Special_7 varchar(200)
Special_8 varchar(200)
Special_9 varchar(200)
Special_10 varchar(200)
Time_Taken int
Score_Band_Title varchar(200)

Assessment outcomes can be classified according to score bands. This field contains the ID of the score band for the percentage score achieved by the candidate. It is only available when the result is finalised (i.e., is not paused or in progress).

Score_Band_Number int
Percentage_Score smallint

The percentage score achieved by the candidate, obtained from A_Result.Total_Score and A_Result.Max_Score. The percentage is always rounded to an integer with #.5 rounding away from zero.

Schedule_Name varchar(200)
Monitored bit
Monitor_Name varchar(200)
Time_Limit_Disabled bit
Disabled_By varchar(200)
Image_Ref varchar(255)
ScoreBand_ID int NOT NULL
First_Name varchar(200)
Last_Name varchar(200)
Primary_Email varchar(255)
Restrict_R_Access_Part bit
Restrict_R_Access_Admin bit
R_Access_Part_From datetime
R_Access_Part_To datetime
R_Access_Admin_From datetime
R_Access_Admin_To datetime
Course varchar(1020)
Member_Sub_Group_1 varchar(200)
Member_Sub_Group_2 varchar(200)
Member_Sub_Group_3 varchar(200)
Member_Sub_Group_4 varchar(200)
Member_Sub_Group_5 varchar(200)
Member_Sub_Group_6 varchar(200)
Member_Sub_Group_7 varchar(200)
Member_Sub_Group_8 varchar(200)
Member_Sub_Group_9 varchar(200)
Test_Center varchar](200)
Lang varchar(10) NOT NULL
When_Started_UTC datetime

The date and time the test was started in UTC. This field was not available on early Questionmark systems and so may be missing for older records.

When_Finished_UTC datetime

The date and time the test was finished in UTC. This field was not available on early Questionmark systems and so may be missing for older records.

TimeStamp_UTC datetime

The date and time the result record was created. Reserved for future use.

Assessment_ID bigint

The value indicates the number of extra minutes that the participant is allowed compared with the time limit originally set for the assessment. The extra time does not include any extra time allocated when the assessment was scheduled so the total time available for the assessment is the sum of the original assessment time limit, the extra time allocated in the schedule and any extra time allocated in this field.