MonitoringTypes and ProctoringProviders

MonitoringTypes MonitoringType
Methods Supported:
  • GET – read only

Filters supported:
  • ID – primary key

  • Name – the symbolic name of this monitoring type

$orderby is not supported.

The MonitoringTypes feed contains data about methods of monitoring assessments. Entries are defined by the MonitoringType type.

ProctoringProviders ProctoringProvider
Methods Supported:
  • GET – read only

Filters supported:
  • ID – primary key

  • Name – the symbolic name of this monitoring type

$orderby is not supported.

New in version 2018.04.

The ProctoringProviders feed contains data about the configuration of external proctoring providers integrated through a proctoring API. Entries are defined by the ProctoringProvider type.

AppointmentDateRange Edm.String

Reserved for internal use.

EntityType: MonitoringType

New in version 2017.07.

Entity Key: ID Edm.Int32 NOT NULL

The numeric ID of this monitoring type.

Name Edm.String

A language-independent name to be used as an alternative key for this monitoring type. This version of the key is used to look-up language dependent human-readable text and is set to a (readable) symbolic textual identifier for this type of monitoring. Example values are: “UNMONITORED”, “QSB_WITH_EVENTS”, etc.

You should not assume any specific behaviour based purely on the name. Monitoring types contain additional attributes that determine how (monitored) attempts are launched by the participant, some of which are exposed here to help API consumers to select an appropriate type for a specific Schedule or Attempt.

RequireQSB Edm.Boolean NOT NULL

New in version 2017.11.

A flag indicating whether or not Attempts launched with this MonitoringType MUST use Questionmark’s Secure Browser technology.

RequireDeviceEvents Edm.Boolean NOT NULL

New in version 2017.11.

A flag indicating whether or not Attempts launched with this Monitoring type MUST use Questionmark’s next-generation device monitoring technology. Requires a next-generation Questionmark Secure Browser client.

SystemCheckUrl Edm.String

New in version 2017.11.

An optional URL that will be displayed to the participant on entering the exam lobby to assist with checking compatibility of the participant’s device against the technology requirements of this monitoring technology.

The special URL “about:blank” should be used to indicate that no system check page is required. A null value means that the default system check will be used.

ProctoringProviderId Edm.Int32

New in version 2018.04.

The ID of the optional ProctoringProvider entity. See also ProctoringProvider.

ProctoringProviderOptions Edm.String

New in version 2018.04.

A text string containing options to be used in conjunction with the associated ProctoringProvider. This property means that it is possible to use the same provider (including API credentials) in multiple different configurations, each with its own associated MonitoringType.

ProctoringProvider ProctoringProvider

New in version 2018.04.

An optional navigation property to the ProctoringProvider associated with this monitoring type.

RequireTestCenter Edm.Boolean

New in version 2018.12.

If True, any associated Schedule entity created with this MonitoringType is required to have an associated TestCenter.

Attempts associated with this MonitoringType must be associated with an AttemptList and an open TestCenter: these constraints are implemented automatically when using the actions related to the Schedule entity to start or resume an assessment.

Disabled Edm.Boolean

New in version 2020.06.

A MonitoringType can be disabled by setting this flag to True. When disabled, all associated Schedules become inactive and Attempts cannot be launched.

RulesOfConductID Edm.Int32

The ID of an associated RulesOfConduct entity. See MonitoringType.RulesOfConduct for more information.

New in version 2021.08.

RulesOfConduct RulesOfConduct

Navigation property to an optional RulesOfConduct entity associated with this assessment. When scheduling with this monitoring type the associated rules of conduct are used by default. These rules may themselves be overridden in the Assessment or Schedule entities.

New in version 2021.08.

EntityType: RulesOfConduct

New in version 2021.05.

The rules of conduct entity is used to create a template for a set of rules for conducting an assessment. The template contains two HTML-fragments, one that will be presented to the Participant at the start of the test and one that will be presented to the Proctor overseeing the process.

Entity Key: ID Edm.Int32 NOT NULL
Name Edm.String

The name of this rules templates.

ParticipantRules Edm.String
ProctorRules Edm.String
Language Edm.String
CreatedDateTime Edm.DateTime
ModifiedDateTime Edm.DateTime
RulesOfConductTranslations Edm.RulesOfConductTranslation
EntityType: RulesOfConductTranslation
Entity Key: ID Edm.Int32 NOT NULL
ParticipantRules Edm.String
ProctorRules Edm.String
Language Edm.String
CreatedDateTime Edm.DateTime
ModifiedDateTime Edm.DateTime
RulesOfConduct Edm.RulesOfConduct
EntityType: ProctoringProvider

New in version 2018.04.

An entity used to hold the API credentials and connection information associated with an external provider of proctoring services.

Entity Key: ID Edm.Int32 NOT NULL

The numeric ID of this proctoring provider entity, allocated automatically by the API.

Name Edm.String

The human readable string identifier to use for the proctoring provider.

Protocol Edm.String

The protocol to use when communicating with the proctoring provider. This property’s value is taken from a limited vocabulary of supported protocols. Information about the allowable values will be published in future versions of the documentation.

Url Edm.String

The URL of the provider’s API endpoint.

Key Edm.String

The API key to use with the provider’s API endpoint.

Secret Edm.String

The API secret to use with the provider’s API endpoint. Although this value may be POSTed when creating an entity and updated using PATCH it cannot be read back and is replaced by an encrypted version in the response to GET requests.

WebhookSecret Edm.String

New in version 2021.05.

The API secret that has been given to the proctoring provider for use with Webhook-based callbacks. Although this value may be POSTed when creating an entity and updated using PATCH it cannot be read back and is replaced by an encrypted version in the response to GET requests.

The supported Webhooks are determined by the Protocol.

MonitoringTypes MonitoringType Collection

A navigation property to the MonitoringTypes that are associated with this ProctoringProvider entity.

AvailableAppointments Edm.DateTime

Reserved for internal use.