
Administrators Administrator
Methods Supported:
  • GET – returns the feed of Administrators

  • POST – creates an Administrator with no role

  • PATCH – updates an Administrator

  • DELETE – deletes an Administrator

Filters supported:
  • ID – primary key

  • Name – administrator name

Expansions supported:
  • Groups – associated groups

  • TestCenters – associated test centers

The Administrators feed contains data about users with administrator roles in the user data base. A user with an administrator role is defined as being a user with any role other than special Participant role.

The feed can be used to create, update and delete Administrators. Note that creating an Administrator editor does not associate the new user with any role. You can use the Upsert action to create a user with one or more existing Administrator roles.

If you want to promote a user that exists in the Portal as a Participant (or as an authenticated user with no assigned role) to being an Administrator then you may POST to the Administrators feed to create the entity representing the user and then assign the additional roles but the recommended approach would be to use the Upsert action.

action Upsert (Name Edm.String, Email Edm.String, Password Edm.String, FirstName Edm.String, LastName Edm.String, Department Edm.String, SsoId Edm.String, Url Edm.String, AlternateName Edm.String, Roles Collection( Edm.String), Groups Collection( Edm.String)) Edm.Null

New in version 2021.08.

To invoke this action use http POST with a JSON body like this:

POST /deliveryodata/<customer-id>/Administrators/Upsert

    "Name": "bob",
    "Email": "",
    "Groups": ["GroupA", "GroupB"],
    "Roles": ["Author", "Reporter"]

The action creates the user if they don’t exist or updates an existing user with matching Name. Omitted parameters are ignored. The Groups parameter contains a list of Group names that are used to assign the user as an owner of those groups. (Only root groups may be specified.) The Roles parameter contains a list of Role names that should be assigned to the user.

The purpose of Upsert is to provide a more efficient implementation of the individual combined operations to reduce the impact of network latency on integrated systems.

EntityType: Administrator

Administrator entities are drawn from G_User in the data model but contain only a subset of the properties. They are read only in OData.

Password Edm.String

The Administrator’s password. This field is not available during a GET operation and will always appear to be set to null but it can be provided when creating (POST) or updating (PATCH) an Administrator’s record.

New in version 2021.05.

Entity Key: ID Edm.Int32 NOT NULL

See G_User.User_ID.

Name Edm.String

See G_User.User_Name.

FirstName Edm.String

See G_User.First_Name.

LastName Edm.String

See G_User.Last_Name.

Department Edm.String

See G_User.Department.

Email Edm.String

See G_User.Email.

SsoId Edm.String

New in version 2021.05.

Url Edm.String

New in version 2021.05.

AlternateName Edm.String

New in version 2021.05.

Groups Group Collection

Navigation property to the Groups associated with this administrator as per G_Owner. An Administrator may be associated with multiple Group entities.

Ownership is currently limited to root groups, that is, Groups where the RootGroupID matches the Group ID (and the navigation property ParentGroup is empty).

You can modify this list using the special $links property.

New in version 2021.08.

To add a Group to the list you must use the full URL of the Group Entity and POST it to the following URL:

POST /deliveryodata/<customer-id>/Administrator(<administrator-id>)/$links/Groups

    "url": "https://<platform>/deliveryodata/<customer-id>/Groups(<group-id>)"

You must replace <customer-id>, <administrator-id>, <platform> and <group-id> accordingly.

To remove a Group membership use the DELETE operation as follows:

DELETE /deliveryodata/<customer-id>/Administrator(<administrator-id>)/$links/Groups(<group-id>)
Roles Role Collection

Navigation property to the Roles associated with this administrator. An Administrator may be associated with multiple Role entities or no Role entities. In the latter case, the user is merely an authenticated user of the platform and not an administrator at all. This behaviour enables Administrators to be created with the API without an associated Role and for the Role to be added by a later call. Users created without a role through the Portal user interface do not appear in the Administrators feed until they are assigned a non-Participant role in the user interface.

You can modify this list using the special $links property.

New in version 2021.08.

To add a Role to the list you must use the full URL of the Role Entity and POST it to the following URL:

POST /deliveryodata/<customer-id>/Administrator(<administrator-id>)/$links/Roles

    "url": "https://<platform>/deliveryodata/<customer-id>/Groups(<role-id>)"

You must replace <customer-id>, <administrator-id>, <platform> and <role-id> accordingly. Note that Role IDs are actually strings with the name of the Role, e.g., Roles(‘Author’).

To remove a Group membership use the DELETE operation as follows:

DELETE /deliveryodata/<customer-id>/Administrator(<administrator-id>)/$links/Roles(<group-id>)


DELETE operation planned for release in 2022

TestCenters TestCenter Collection

New in version 2017.11.

Navigation property to the TestCenters associated with this administrator as per G_Test_Center_Owner. An Administrator may be associated with multiple TestCenter entities.

The client application can use this information to control access to TestCenter-specific functions such as opening TestCenters and proctoring exams being taken on site.

action CheckPassword (Password Edm.String) Edm.Boolean

New in version 2021.05.

Returns True if the input parameter matches the password set for this administrator and False otherwise.

action AllGroups (GroupName Edm.String) Group Collection

New in version 2020.03.


Previously documented as a navigation property in error.

An action that evaluates all Groups owned by this administrator as per G_Owner including all sub-groups owned by inheritance. The required GroupName parameter is a filter limiting the list of returned groups to those that contain the filter string. GroupName may be passed as the empty string to return an unfiltered list.

action ActionableSchedulesForObservation () ActionableSchedule Collection

New in version 2017.11.

Returns a collection of actionable schedules related to this administrator as an assessment observer. It takes no parameters and is bound to a specific Administrator so is called like this:

POST /deliveryodata/<customer-id>/Administrator(456789)/ActionableSchedulesForObservation

EntityType: Role

Role entities are simple entities that allow access to read the list of roles defined in the portal.

This entity is subject to change.

New in version 2021.05.

Entity Key: ID Edm.String NOT NULL