A_TopicScore ------------ .. qm:table:: A_TopicScore Records in A_TopicScore are created automatically when a participant completes an assessment. They contain topic-specific scoring and score-band information. .. qm:field:: Result_ID int :key: :notnull: Refers to the associated result, see :qm:field:`A_Result.Result_ID`. .. qm:field:: Topic_ID int :key: :notnull: Refers to the associated topic, see :qm:field:`Q_Topic_Ex.Topic_ID`. .. qm:field:: Percentage_Score float Although stored as a float in the data model percentage scores are rounded to integers using the same method as :qm:field:`A_Result.Percentage_Score`. .. qm:field:: Actual_Score int Calcualted in the same way as :qm:field:`A_Result.Total_Score` but counting only questions that are in the associated topic. Experimental questions do not contribute to the value. .. qm:field:: Maximum_Score int Calcualted in the same way as :qm:field:`A_Result.Max_Score` but counting only questions that are in the associated topic. Experimental questions do not contribute to the value. .. qm:field:: Score_Band_Name varchar(200) The name of the topic scoreband that applies to this score. .. qm:field:: Num_Questions int .. qm:field:: Topic varchar(1020) :notnull: .. qm:field:: Description varchar(1020)