Timezone -------- .. od:service:: deliveryodata .. od:feed:: TimeZones Timezone :method GET: for reading test centres :filter ID: the primary key .. od:action:: GetSupportedTimezones Timezone :collection: :input: ProctorProviderId Edm.Int32 Reserved for internal use. .. od:type:: Timezone .. versionadded:: 2021.05 This entity is subject to change and is reserved for future use. .. od:prop:: ID Edm.String :notnull: :key: The ID of this Timezone. .. od:prop:: Name Edm.String The name of this Timezone. .. od:prop:: BaseUTCOffset Edm.String .. od:prop:: BaseUTCOffsetMinutes Edm.Double .. od:prop:: CurrentUTCOffset Edm.String .. od:prop:: CurrentUTCOffsetMinutes Edm.Double .. od:prop:: CurrentUtcTime Edm.DateTime The current time in UTC. .. od:prop:: CurrentTimezoneTime Edm.DateTime The local time in this timezone.