Scheduled Delivery ------------------ .. versionadded:: 2017.07 .. warning:: This page documents parts of the API that should be considered to be of 'beta' quality. The details *are* subject to minor changes in future versions. The Delivery OData API contains a brand new schedule entity to enable the scheduling of assessments from third-party applications, including the scheduling of assessments that require special procotring. Classic vs Next Generation Schedules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classic schedules are described by the database tables :qm:table:`G_Schedule` and :qm:table:`G_Schedule_Details` and by the QMWISe schema type :qm:xtype:`Schedule`. Classic schedules are the *only* way to schedule assessments in Perception 5. Next-generations schedules are being introduced with OnDemand 2017.07 and will gradually become the preferred way to schedule assessments in Questionmark OnDemand and OnPremise. Scheduling Permissions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Permission to schedule an assessment is controlled by Group. An association exists between :od:type:`deliveryodata.Assessment` and :od:type:`deliveryodata.Group` entities. This association indicates that *only* administrators that are owners of (one of) the associated groups may schedule that assessment. In the Questionmark portal the types of action that a particular administrator may perform are further limited by role and the permissions associated with that role. Role information is _not_ exposed by the APIs. To obtain a list of assessments that a given Administrator is associated with you need to look at the Groups associated with that administrator *and* the SchedulableAssessments associated with those groups:: GET /deliveryodata//Administrators(12345)/Groups?$expand=SchedulableAssessments { "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Groups", "value": [ { "SchedulableAssessments": [ { "ID": "92761000092761", "Revision": 1, "Name": "Sample Test", "Language": "-", "Description": null, "Author": "Manager", "CreatedDateTime": "2017-03-14T18:04:39Z", "Editor": "Manager", "ModifiedDateTime": "2017-04-06T09:16:22Z", "Base": true } ], "ID": 587413784, "Name": "Test_Group", "Description": "", "RootGroupID": 587413784 } ] } In the above response the administrator is associated with a single Group (called "Test_Group" and that group is associated with a single "Sample Test" assessment. Bear in mind that it is possible for the same assessment to show up multiple times (associated with different groups) so if you are processing a response to this message to create a flat list you will have to remove duplicates. For very long lists the Groups themselves may prove a useful way to hierarchically present the assessment list to the end user for selection. You can use a similar technique to discover which participants an administrator is associated with via groups:: GET /deliveryodata//Administrators(12345)/Groups?$expand=Participants Creating a Schedule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a schedule you POST to the Schedules feed endpoint. There are only a few required pieces of information. A human-readable Name for the schedule, the AssessmentID of the assessment to be scheduled, one of GroupID or ParticipantID to identify who the schedule is for and the ID of a monitoring type that describes how the assessment will be monitored (e.g., proctored versus unproctored). You can obtain a list of MonitoringTypes directly from the API:: GET /deliveryodata//MonitoringTypes Monitoring types do not have human-friendly names, they have symbolic names that are designed to be used as keys to translated text for a multi-lingual user interface. Once you have selected a monotring type use its ID when creating a schedule. We'll create a simple unmonitored test that does not require Questionmark Secure:: POST /deliveryodata//Schedules { "Name": "Demo Schedule", "AssessmentID": "92761000092761", "GroupID": 587413784, "MonitoringTypeID": 1 } The response is "201 Created" and the Schedule is reflected back:: { "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Schedules/@Element", "ID": 1, "ParentScheduleID": null, "ExternalID": null, "Name": "Demo Schedule", "AssessmentID": "92761000092761", "Language": null, "GroupID": 587413784, "ParticipantID": null, "StartFrom": null, "StartTo": null, "ResumeTo": null, "ReportFrom": null, "ReportTo": null, "ExtraTime": null, "MaxAttempts": null, "MonitoringTypeID": 1, "ObserverID": null, "Created": "2017-11-23T17:12:22.5894683Z", "Modified": "2017-11-23T17:12:22.5894683Z", "Hidden": false, "Disabled": false, "ResumeAllowed": false, "ObserverInitiated": false, "TestCenterID": null } This creates a schedule for the Sample Test returned in the previous example for all members of the group with ID 587413784 (the "Test_Group" also returned in the previous example). There are no time limits on when the participants can start the test and no limit on the number of attempts. In future, creating a schedule will be all that is required for a third party integration as the schedule will then show up in the Questionmark portal when the participant logs in and they'll be able to launch the test from there. That functionality is not available yet (as of 2017.11) and so this API assumes that the external system will go on to create its own user interface for the participant. If you do not want the Schedule to show up in the Questionmark portal, in other words, if you want to control the schedule entirely from your own external system you can hide the schedule. By default schedules are *not* hidden. Active Schedules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A third-party user interface for a participant needs to know which schedules are active for that participant. A schedule is active if there is some action that the participant may take (such as starting or resuming the test). To discover the list of active schedules for a participant you invoke an action on that Participant's entity. For the Participant with ID 1459320309 you can call the ActionableSchedules action as follows:: POST /deliveryodata//Participants(1459320309)/ActionableSchedules { } In this case we POST an empty JSON object in the body (Content-Type: application/json) as there are no parameters. The response will look like this:: { "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Collection(QM.DeliveryODataService.DTO.ActionableSchedule)", "value": [ { "ScheduleID": 1, "Name": "Demo Schedule", "ParticipantID": 1459320309, "ParticipantName": "Adrian Hurst", "Hidden": false, "AttemptsRemaining": null, "Actions": [ "start" ] } ] } The result is a list of ActionableSchedule objects. You can see the ID of the schedule, the name (for display to the user when there are multiple assessments available) and information about the number of attempts remaining which is null here as there is no limit. The Actions list is just a list of strings containing the names of actions that are allowed. In this case just one: "start". Launching a Scheduled Test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a schedule is active for a participant then there will be a non-empty list of actions in the associated AcitonableSchedule returned by the previous request. To enable the participant to launch the test you need to convert the action into a URL that can be passed to the user's browser to invoke the action. You do this using the InvokeAction action:: POST /deliveryodata//Schedules(1)/InvokeAction { "Action": "start", "ParticipantID": 1459320309 } The response will look something like this:: { "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Edm.String", "value": "×tamp=2017-11-23T17:28:02.0181676Z&role=participant&signature=58db3754e595701731b8468775a4e0ce1d7686e3fca9d29f7920f1261f3a45ac" } The URL obtained in the value of the result can be passed to the participant's browser to enable them to launch the test. The link is time-limited, you should ensure that your application redirects the participant to this link while processing a request from a suitable action such as a button press. If the participant is too slow to load the URL it will expire and you'll have to generate another one by invoking the action again. Modiyfing a Schedule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schedules may be patched, though some properties may not be changed. (E.g., the AssessmentID is fixed on creation). The following call will update the Schedule created in the previous example so that it can be resumed:: PATCH /deliveryodata//Schedules(1) { "ResumeAllowed": true } If the participant has started an assessment but has not completed it and the schedule is resumable then the test may be resumed. This is indicated using the "resume" action:: POST /deliveryodata//Schedules/ActionableSchedulesForParticipant { "ParticipantID": 1459320309 } Responds with:: { "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Collection(QM.DeliveryODataService.DTO.ActionableSchedule)", "value": [ { "ScheduleID": 1, "Name": "Demo Schedule", "ParticipantID": 1459320309, "ParticipantName": "Adrian Hurst", "Hidden": false, "AttemptsRemaining": null, "Actions": [ "resume" ] } ] } A schedule is never marked with both "start" and "resume" actions. (This is a significant departure from classic schedules where multiple attempts can be started simultaneously. In next-generation schedules the participant must complete the current attempt before progressing to the next one if the schedule is resumable.) Managing Attempts: Schedule Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next generation schedules use the Attempt entity which can also be used standalone for non-scheduled delivery. The difference that is for scheduled delivery, the actions described above take care of creating the associated Attempts at the correct time. You may still use the Attempts to discover detailed information about who has attempted the assessment and what results have been completed or are in progress:: GET /deliveryodata//Schedules(1)?$expand=Attempts/Result This query returns all Attempts for a schedule using expansion of the Attempt navigation property. By expanding the Result associated with each Attempt we can see the status and outcome too. This data could be used to construct a dashboard report for the schedule:: { "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Attempts", "value": [ { "Result": { "ID": 390765738, "AssessmentID": "92761000092761", "ParticipantName": "a.hurst", "GroupName": null, "ParticipantDetails": null, "Status": 2, "MaxScore": 3, "TotalScore": 3, "ScoreBandTitle": "Pass", "PercentageScore": 100, "WhenFinished": "2017-08-21T13:59:41.347", "WhenStarted": "2017-08-21T13:48:20.123", "ExtraTime": null }, "ID": 17897, "ExternalAttemptID": "72f2b164084748ac835802f329bdadf2", "ParticipantFacingQMLobbyUrl": null, "ProctorFacingQMControlsWidgetUrl": null, "UnlockCodeExpiresDateTime": null, "ParticipantID": 1459320309, "AssessmentID": "92761000092761", "AssessmentSnapshotID": null, "ScheduleID": 11887, "AttemptNumber": 1, "ResultID": 390765738, "LockStatus": false, "LockRequired": false, "ParticipantFacingProctorSystemWidgetUrl": null, "LastModifiedDateTime": "2017-08-21T12:48:20.157Z", "Language": null, "ParticipantSystemCheckUrl": "null", "UnlockCode": null, "AttemptListID": null, "MonitoringTypeID": 1 } ] }