Schedule and ScheduleMetadata ----------------------------- .. od:service:: deliveryodata These entities represent the next-generation scheduling API that has been redesigned to focus on the different monitoring types available in Questionmark OnDemand and OnPremise. The Schedules discussed here are *not* related to the G_Schedule table and they are *not* related to the classic schedule entities created using QMWISe. The Schedule entity presents an alternative to creating :od:type:`Attempt` entities directly. It supports scheduling to participants and/or groups including creating exceptions to enable additional time or to reschedule individual group members. It also provides a way for your to safely limit the number of attempts the participant is allowed at an assessment without having to manage the information yourself in an external entity. The following call illustrates the simplest way to create a schedule called "Demo Schedule" for the Group with ID 8320236:: POST { "ID": 0, "Name": "Demo Schedule", "AssessmentID": "65433000065433", "GroupID": 8320236, "MonitoringTypeID": 1 } Example response:: 201 Created { "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Schedules/@Element", "ID": 11609, "ParentScheduleID": null, "ExternalID": null, "Name": "Demo Schedule", "AssessmentID": "65433000065433", "Language": null, "GroupID": 8320236, "ParticipantID": null, "StartFrom": null, "StartTo": null, "ResumeTo": null, "ReportFrom": null, "ReportTo": null, "ExtraTime": null, "MaxAttempts": null, "MonitoringTypeID": 1, "ObserverID": null, "Created": "2017-08-15T12:04:28.0154826Z", "Modified": "2017-08-15T12:04:28.0154826Z", "Hidden": false, "Disabled": false, "ResumeAllowed": false, "TestCenterID": null } The ID is a unique key for the Schedule and is set automatically on creation, the input value is ignored. The AssessmentID and one of the GroupID or ParticipantID MUST be specified. Schedules Reference ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. od:feed:: Schedules Schedule :method GET: for reading schedules :method PATCH: for updating writable properties of a schedule :filter ID: primary key :filter ParticipantID: the associated participant :filter GroupID: the associated group :filter StartFrom: the schedule start time :filter StartTo: the schedule end time :filter MonitoringTypeID: the associated monitoring type :filter TestCenterID: the associated test center $orderby is *not* supported. .. od:feed:: ScheduleMetadata ScheduleMetadata :method GET: reading schedule metadata key-value pairs :method POST: creating schedule metadata key-value pairs .. od:type:: Schedule .. versionadded:: 2017.07 .. od:prop:: ID Edm.Int32 :key: :notnull: A unique integer key for this schedule. .. od:prop:: ParentScheduleID Edm.Int32 The ID to the optional parent schedule. A schedule may have a parent if it is for a specific participant (:od:prop:`ParticipantID` is not null) *and* the parent is a group schedule *without* a ParticipantID). Essentially, a child schedule is an exception for a specific candidate to a general schedule set out in the parent. You can think of these as being similar to the way calendar tools deal with recurring meetings and exceptions only, in this case, the 'recurrence' refers to one scheduling applying to multiple participants and the exception with the schedule for a specific participant. .. od:prop:: ExternalID Edm.String An external identifier for the schedule. This value is intended to be used by external scheduling modules that contain their own business rules. Such a module may set this property on creation and then use it later to locate information in its own database that relates to this schedule. .. od:prop:: Name Edm.String A human-readable name for this schedule. .. od:prop:: AssessmentID Edm.Int64 :notnull: The assessment that is being scheduled. This is required and cannot be changed using PATCH. .. od:prop:: Language Edm.String The language of the assessment that is being scheduled. In cases where the assessment may be available in multiple languages this allows a schedule to be for a specific language version. .. od:prop:: GroupID Edm.Int32 The (optional) group associated with this schedule. The group information is copied to the result when the participants takes an attempt based on the schedule and so is then available for filtering results. Groups are also used to control permissions and are used to determine which schedules are returned by the related actions. .. od:prop:: ParticipantID Edm.Int32 The ID of the participant that this schedule is for. This is optional though one of GroupID and/or ParticipantID *MUST* be present. (In future, this constraint may be relaxed to enable assessments to be scheduled to all users.) .. od:prop:: Disabled Edm.Boolean :notnull: Set to True to disable this schedule. The participant will not be able to start or resume the assessment even if the time is within the Start/Resume windows. .. od:prop:: StartFrom Edm.DateTime The UTC time that constrains when this schedule may be started by the participant. If null there is not restriction and the participant may start the assessment now (subject to StartTo). .. od:prop:: StartTo Edm.DateTime The UTC time that constrains the latest time this schedule may be started by participant. If null there is no restriction and the participant may start the assessment at any time in the future subject to StartFrom. .. od:prop:: ResumeAllowed Edm.Boolean :notnull: .. versionadded:: 2017.11 Set to True to enable failed attempts to be resumed using this schedule. If False then the ResumeTo time is ignored. .. od:prop:: ResumeTo Edm.DateTime The UTC time that constrains when this schedule may be resumed by the participant. If null there is not restriction and the participant may resume a partially completed assessment at any time. .. od:prop:: ReportFrom Edm.DateTime The UTC time that constrains when a coaching report may be viewed by the participant. .. od:prop:: ReportTo Edm.DateTime The UTC time that constrains when a coaching report may be viewed by the participant. .. od:prop:: ReportTemplateName Edm.String The name of the coaching report template to use when reporting on results created through this schedule. This value is optional, if null then the default template is used (defined in system settings through the user interface). .. versionadded:: 2021.05 .. od:prop:: ReportedResult Edm.String An enumerated value that indicates which Attempt will be reported on where multiple attempts exist for the same participant. The allowed values are "First", "Last", "Best", "Worst". If unspecified then the Last result (the most recent) is used by default. .. versionadded:: 2021.05 .. od:action:: GetReportedResult Result :input: ParticipantID Edm.Int32 This action, given a participant ID, evaluates the rule set in :od:prop:`ReportedResult` and returns a single :od:type:`Result` entity representing the result that should be reported for that participant. If no result is available, status 404 is returned. .. versionadded:: 2021.05 .. warning:: in versions prior to 2021.08 this action's return type may appear incorrectly bound to a Collection in the service metadata. The return type is actually a single entity. .. od:prop:: ExtraTime Edm.Int32 The number of minutes of extra time that should be allocated to participants launching an assessment from this schedule. This time may be negative to reduce the assessment time limit. .. od:prop:: MaxAttempts Edm.Int32 The maximum number of attempts the participant is allowed at the assessment. .. od:prop:: MonitoringTypeID Edm.Int32 :notnull: The type of monitoring that will be used during the assessment. If this value is null then no monitoring will be performed. .. od:prop:: ObserverInitiated Edm.Boolean :notnull: Whether or not this Schedule is for an observational assessment. An observational assessment is hidden from the Participant as it must be initiated by an observer (an Administrator). Defaults to false. .. od:prop:: ObserverID Edm.Int32 The ID of an Administrator (observer) who will take the test on behalf of the participant. (Reserved for future use.) .. od:prop:: Created Edm.DateTime :notnull: The UTC time the Schedule was created. .. od:prop:: CreatedBy Edm.String The Name of the Administrator that created the schedule. .. od:prop:: Modified Edm.DateTime :notnull: The UTC time the Schedule was last modified. .. od:prop:: ModifiedBy Edm.String The Name of the Administrator that last modified the schedule. .. od:prop:: Hidden Edm.Boolean :notnull: Whether or not this Schedule should be hidden from the participant. A hidden schedule may still be initiated through the API but it won't show up in the participants *My Assessments* page. .. od:prop:: TestCenterID Edm.Int32 .. versionadded:: 2017.11 The ID of a TestCenter where participants must be located in order to take this test. It is assumed that this test will be proctored and that access to launch the test will be controlled by the proctor. .. od:prop:: RulesOfConductID Edm.Int32 The ID of an associated :od:type:`RulesOfConduct` entity. See :od:prop:`Schedule.RulesOfConduct` for more information. .. versionadded:: 2021.08 .. od:prop:: Assessment Assessment A navigation property to the Assessment. .. od:prop:: Participant Participant A navigation property to the optional Participant. .. od:prop:: Group Group A navigation property to the optional Group. .. od:prop:: ParentSchedule Schedule A navigation property to the (optional) parent schedule. .. od:prop:: ExceptionSchedules Schedule :collection: A navigation property from a parent schedule to all the exceptions to this schedule. A navigation property to the (optional) parent schedule. .. od:prop:: MonitoringType MonitoringType A navigation property to the (optional) monitoring type. .. od:prop:: RulesOfConduct RulesOfConduct Navigation property to an optional :od:type:`RulesOfConduct` entity associated with this schedule. If present, the associated rules of conduct are used instead of the default rules associated with the :od:type:`Assessment` or :od:type:`MonitoringType` used. .. versionadded:: 2021.08 .. od:prop:: TestCenter TestCenter .. versionadded:: 2017.11 A navigation property to the optional TestCenter. .. od:prop:: Observer Administrator A navigation property to the optional Observer. .. od:prop:: ScheduleMetadata ScheduleMetadata :collection: A navigation property to the schedule metadata. .. od:prop:: Attempts Attempt :collection: A navigation property to all the attempts that have been initiated for this Schedule. .. od:action:: InvokeAction Edm.String :input: Action Edm.String, ParticipantID Edm.Int32, ObserverID Edm.Int32, AttemptMetadata Collection(deliveryodata.AttemptMetadataKeyValue) Invokes the specified action for a given participant. The Action string is a text string for an action as previously returned by a *recent* call to ActionableSchedule or similar. The ParticipantID is the ID of the participant that is scheduled for the assessment and the (optional) ObserverID is the observer that will be observing the assessment (observational schedules only). For example:: POST /deliveryodata//Schedule(654321)/InvokeAction { "Action": "start", "ParticipantID": 123456 } The optional AttemptMetadata collection allows the caller to set some launch-specific metadata that will be saved with the associated Attempt. For example, a lab-management system integrating through this API may want to provide a key/value to record which PC within the lab was used to start/resume the test. This can be done by providing a parameter like the following:: "AttemptMetadata": [ { "Key": "Device", "Value: "LABA-PC34" } ] The return result is a URL (string) that is suitable for sending to the participant's browser (or the observer's browser) to initiate the specified action. .. od:action:: CanReview Edm.Boolean When called for a Schedule returns True if a ReviewUrl is available. The purpose of this action is to enable the caller to quickly determine if the schedule can be reviewed without actually obtaining the review URL (see :od:action:`GetReviewUrl`) which is a slower operation. .. od:action:: GetReviewUrl Edm.String If a schedule uses a monitoring type that generates some type of report concerning the conduct of the assessment then this action will return a URL that can be provided to the user's browser to redirect them to view that report. For example, if the monitoring type uses Proctoring Record and Review then the review URL will launch a tool that allows the user to review the recordings of the participants' attempts. .. od:action:: ActionableSchedules ActionableSchedule :collection: Reserved for future use. .. od:type:: ActionableSchedule .. versionadded:: 2017.08 An actionable schedule is a list of actions that are currently relevant to a specific schedule *for a specific participant*. Given that schedules specify time windows during which certain actions, such as starting or resuming the test, can take place the list of actions will vary from time to time and should not be cached for any length of time. For example, a list of actions might be obtained while creating a web page showing a list of current schedules to a participant. .. od:prop:: ScheduleID Edm.Int32 :notnull: The ID of the schedule these possible actions relate to .. od:prop:: Name Edm.String The human-readable name of this schedule. This is repeated here to reduce the need to retrieve each schedule in full. .. od:prop:: ParticipantID Edm.Int32 :notnull: All actionable schedules relate to a specific Participant. .. od:prop:: ParticipantName Edm.String The Participant's name. .. od:prop:: Hidden Edm.Boolean :notnull: Whether or not the schedule is hidden from the participant in the Questionmark portal. .. od:prop:: AttemptsRemaining Edm.Int32 The number of attempts remaining on the schedule. .. od:prop:: Actions Edm.String :collection: A collection of symbolic strings representing allowable actions. For example "start" and "resume". These strings are not intended to be used directly in the user interface but as keys for future calls to :od:action:`Schedule.InvokeAction`. .. od:type:: ScheduleMetadata .. versionadded:: 2017.07 ScheduleMetadata entities store key-value pairs associated with a schedule. They can store any arbitrary additional data but the intention is to support tagging of the data for reporting purposes. ScheduleMetadata is copied to the AttemptMetadata when the API is used to *automatically* create an associated Attempt using one of the launch actions. A number of dynamic values are supported to enable a restricted set of fields to be copied from the Participant, TestCenter or Administrator (as an observer) entities into the AttemptMetadata to enable reporting based on arbitrary demographics. For example, a ScheduleMetadata field with *Key* "Country" and *Value* "%Participant.Primary_Country%" will cause the Participant's primary country to be looked up in the Participant record and copied to the AttemptMetadata with key "Country" on assessment launch. If the participant's Primary_Country field was set to "US" then the AttemptMetadata would contain Key="Country", Value="US". .. od:prop:: ID Edm.Int32 :key: :notnull: Unique ID of this metadata record. .. od:prop:: ScheduleID Edm.Int32 :notnull: ID of the associated Schedule, see :od:prop:`Schedule` for a more convenient navigation property. .. od:prop:: Key Edm.String :notnull: The name of the metadata field. Any unicode string is allowed up to a maximum length of 200 unicode characters. .. od:prop:: Value Edm.String :notnull: The value of the metadata field. The value may be any unicode string and is limited to 4000 unicode characters to accommodate values such as URNs or other URIs used to identify terms in an externally defined metadata schema. .. od:prop:: Schedule Schedule :notnull: A navigation property to the associated Schedule.