Topic ----- .. od:service:: authoringodata .. od:feed:: Topics Topic :method GET: feed is read only :filter Id: primary key :expand QuestionRevisions: the questions in the topic The Topics feed contains entities that describe all Topcics within the item bank. There is one entity for each topic. .. od:type:: Topic .. od:prop:: Id Edm.Int32 :key: :notnull: .. od:prop:: Name Edm.String .. od:prop:: Path Edm.String The full path of the Topic. .. od:prop:: PublishedId Edm.Int32 .. od:prop:: Language Edm.String .. od:prop:: CreatedDateTime Edm.DateTimeOffset The date and time (in UTC) when the Topic was created. .. od:prop:: Author Edm.String The user name of the user that created the question .. od:prop:: ModifiedDateTime Edm.String The date and time (in UTC) when the Topic was last modified. .. od:prop:: Editor Edm.String The user name of the user that last modified the Topic. Again, this refers to the base language and not any translations. .. od:prop:: IsDeleted Edm.Boolean :notnull: A boolean set to True if the Topic has been *archived*. In versions prior to 2021.05 this action was referred to as deletion (though such Topics are still available through the API and from 2021.05 can be restored in the user interface too). .. od:prop:: QuestionRevisions QuestionRevision :collection: